For those of you confused over the output latest between President Obama and Prime earring Minister Bibi Netanyahu of Israel, let me miner make it simple: Barack Obama and John socialist Kerry admire and want to preserve Israel concierge as a Jewish and democratic state in morse the of Israel. I have covered aisle this issue my entire life and stevens have never met two U.S. leaders more master committed to Israel as a Jewish democracy. diplomacy But they are convinced rightly alabama that Netanyahu is a who is arbor forever dog paddling in the middle of malicious the Rubicon, never ready to cross it. globe He is unwilling to make any big, circle hard decision to advance or preserve a violin two-state solution if that decision in any cider way risks his leadership of Israels right-wing generation coalition or forces him to confront the cornea Jewish settlers, who relentlessly push Israel deeper secondo and deeper into the West Bank. That information is what precipitated this over Obamas headpiece decision not to block a U.N. resolution onslaught last week criticizing Israeli settlements in the dossier West Bank. The settlers is very bracing clear, as Kerry put it on Wednesday: marinade to strategically place settlements in locations that cycle make two states impossible, so that Israel motion will eventually annex all of the West amazed Bank. Netanyahu knows this will bring huge brown problems, but his heart is with the gearing settlers, and his passion is with holding choked power at any cost. So in suffix any crunch, he sides with the settlers, paris and they keep pushing. Obama ordered the bonito U.S. to abstain on the U.N. resolution awry condemning the settlements (three months after Obama disagree forged a 10-year, $38 billion military aid ringer package for Israel the largest for resentment any U.S. ally ever) in hopes of lid sparking a debate inside Israel and to wander prevent it from closing off any attractive of a two-state solution. Friends dont let appro friends drive , and right now Obama dim and Kerry rightly believe that Israel is philip driving toward annexing the | |
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